After eight concerts on two continents, Benjamin, Thomas Gould and the Britten Sinfonia have rounded off their global tour in London with a performance at London's Milton Court Concert Hall.
The tour took them to concert halls in Wuhan, Guangzhou, Beijing, Shanghai, Taipei and London with a programme of Bach and Mozart.
Their final performance at London's Milton Court was broadcast on BBC Radio 3 on 5th December, and The Times published the following review for the performance:
"The pianist Benjamin Grosvenor is building a delicious partnership with this orchestra and its silky-toned leader, Thomas Gould. His opening Bach, the keyboard concerto in F minor, featured lively interplay between the pianist and violinist, the outer movements dark-toned and lithely phrased, the heavenly slow movement a glimpse of far-off serenity. Mozart’s Piano Concerto No 9, the Jeunehomme, showed an old head on the jeune homme’s shoulders, Grosvenor’s touch dreamy and spacious, a limpid purity to his flourishes. Grosvenor’s encore was an impish flick of magic, Liszt’s Gnomenreigen."
Read the full review online here.